
Write or Wrong

I have finally returned home today from what seemed like an over extended Midwest Litigation Tour. The glories of Green Bay, Wisconsin and Mount Pleasant, Michigan grow weary and thin in just about fifteen minutes. Just so you know, Mount Pleasant is neither mountainous nor pleasant.

Since I haven't posted in a while I can only imagine that someone somewhere is mocking my blog because I started it strong and seem to have abandoned it. I mean, I would do that to someone else ... Anyway, here's what I've been thinking about ...

On a whim, I bought my niece an iTunes gift card primarily because I was waiting on a long line at Target, I was in somewhat of a decent and caring mood, and a complete impulse shopper. How I made it all the way to the check-out line at Target and still remained in a good mood escapes me. I mean, come on people, strollers are not weapons. I get home and stuff the gift card in an envelope with a lovely note and stick it in the mail. Apparently, as I learned from my sister, my niece did get the gift card. Somehow, however, she never saw fit to actually acknowledge the gift. Not a quick call, a thank you note, or even an e-mail. Nothing.

What happened to the civility of the "Thank You" note? Now I understand that it was just a $15 gift card but some sort of gratitude would be nice. I have two personal instances where I never even received a thank you note from wedding gifts. Can you imagine? At my passive-aggressive best, on one occasion, I sent a note to the Bride which read, "I hope you and Groom are enjoying your Lennox barware. You did get it, right? If not, let me know." In the other instance, by the time arrived within which to have received a thank you note, the couple had already separated. This is actually okay on two levels: first, the couple was horribly mismatched; second, knowing this, I purposely went thrifty on the gift.

Why is it so hard for people to write a simple thank you note? Next time you receive a gift, take a few minutes and write a thank you note. The giver will be delighted and think that you're a thoughtful person. You probably aren't a thoughtful person but hey, it's all about perception.


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