
I Almost Forgot ...

... that was until I was gently reminded (by a very pointed email). In addition to all the shows I attended in NYC, I also was able to head north to Pelham to celebrate my dear friend Rhette the Vet's birthday along with her husband The Ferd. RtV turned 37 and I've known here for about 20 years. Jesus wept!

We met during freshman year at college and we immediately hated each other. Somehow, we've grown to love each other yet still maintain that love you/hate you vibe. Sure, she almost let me drown in a bathtub once. I can forgive that. I may or may not have also convinced her it was a good idea to lay in the street and pretend to be dead. Six of one ...

Sure, I'll hit the 4-0 before her but her husband The Ferd (who owns the original Night Stalker on VCR (kuddos!)) will hit it before all of us (except Bunny! (when do I stop evoking college hijinks to call a woman with two children approaching 40 Bunny!))

Who knows?

I hope you had a beautiful birthday, Rhette the Vet.

Ask me about toe floss ...


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